You are trying to create a MonoBehaviour using the 'new' keyword.

Hello this is my class

public  class ColorFactory 
	private static Dictionary<Colors, Func<ColorMatch>> colormap = new Dictionary<Colors, Func<ColorMatch>> ()
		{Colors.BlueMaterial, () => {return  new BlueMaterial(); }},
		{Colors.OrangeMaterial, () => {return new OrangeMaterial(); }}, 
		{Colors.PurpleMaterial, () => {return new PurpleMaterial(); }}, 
		{Colors.RedMaterial, () => {return new RedMaterial(); }}, 
		{Colors.YellowMaterial, () => {return new YellowMaterial(); }}, 
		{Colors.GreenMaterial, () => {return new GreenMaterial(); }}
	public static ColorMatch CreateColorFromName (string name)
		Colors getType = (Colors)Enum.Parse (typeof(Colors), name);
		return colormap[getType]();

How to fix this problem, I don’t really understand.

I know that this is c# way to make a new thing, but how to do it in Unity ?

I found that something with g


But this is not working.

I need help )

Classes that inherit MonoBehavior(class myClass : MonoBehavior) cannot be instantiated/created using the “new” keyword.

See if “Colors” or any of the “*Material” classes inherit MonoBehavior.

The problem was not here :)). Was above in the code, also with this kind of c# style problem.

I fixed it like this

EnergyBarScript energyBar = GameObject.Find("Items").GetComponent<EnergyBarScript>();

Maybe Other ideeas?