you can no longer drag and drop a unitypackage into the editor?!?!?

Like when did this change happen, being able to drag and drop a .unitypackage onto the project tab (I know such ‘a small’ window space option instead of it being the entire editor window area) was literately the fastest way of updating some asset packages because your asset store has no early release functionality for asset developers to use so they use external sites to host early release unitypackages.

This shouldn’t need explaining not everyone wants to go through some slow workflow of using a menu … to then use some file explorer to navigate to said package to open…when one could just drag and drop the file from an open file window already…

tl:dr Add the drag and drop functionality back into the editor so we can drop in .unitypackages and have it import.


Thanks for bringing this up but please submit bug reports for issues before writing about them here.

its submitted as a bug now, still what’s the point in the forum board if issues like this can’t be brought up… for all I know it could have just been happening for me(see below paragraph)… also posted it here to point out the fact that drag and dropping .unitypackages has only ever worked specifically if dragged onto the project tab… I’ve always found this lame and often very annoying if dragging the file into the editor only to find another tab was in focus on the same project tab panel, thus having to redo the op, as in why isn’t the entire editor window capable of picking up on a OS file drop event and seeing as it’s a .unitypackage and doing the appropriate import thing …

I also did just recently have to start using windows10 which is bug riddled garbage so for all I know it might have been another one of these dumbed down ‘features’ of a progressive OS that just breaks everything that was faster, convenient and worked and looked consistently better before and not a Unity bug, just a another limitation of that OS now developed monkeys or something.

You can and are encouraged to bring them up here, but forum posts are no substitute for bug reports.

We have a bug processing pipeline that depends on reports submitted via the bug reporter. If you submit a bug report via the bug reporter, it will get processed by QA and if they’re able to reproduce the issue, it will get forwarded to the appropriate developers, etc.

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I’ve found that if you post the bug number with your post, everyone is happy.

Yeah it has been submitted as a bug, but like I said I just posted in the forum because you’re more likely to get a response sooner from someone else who can check it on that version. I don’t think Unity run any official discord channel for alpha/beta testers of these versions so its why I just posted here. I’d submit a bug if it didn’t also think it was Windows elevation user account bs… which in this case is what it turned out to be.

Was this the issue you’re bumping into or were you not at all able to drag and drop files into the assets folder?

Nope that is different issue, for me dragging a unitypackage onto the Project Tab folder wasn’t working at the time, however from another program that could browse the file system and that was elevated the drag and drop of a unitypackage into Unity would work… anyway it wasn’t working from explorer.exe and now it is again…at the time it was that Unity was somehow being run in Elevated mode while explorer.exe was not… and that’s why the drag and dropping wasn’t working… just didn’t have that UAC nonsense with Win7

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