your first game

Out of pure curiosity, what was everyone’s first finished game?

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The first game I ever finished was a crappy game for the TRS-80. There was a ship at the bottom of the screen with mines floating toward it from the top of the screen. You could aim with a joystick to fire at the mines. It was a terrible game, even by the standards of the day, but that was my first finished game. I did not market the game. I chalked it up as a learning exercise, saved it to a cassette tape, and tossed the tape in a box.


A short text based RPG along the lines of Red Dawn at my High School written for the C-64. There, I’ve dated myself… where has the time gone? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


First game I completed was on a TI-99/4a in BASIC. It was just a very simple (and slow) bomber type of game. Buildings at bottom of screen and plane flying overhead getting lower and lower to the ground. If you mean in Unity the first game completed and released is in my signature. That was my third Unity project.

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My first completed game was a dodgy flappy birds clone, still playable on my blog. Some girl was showing me the game on her phone, and raving about how awesome it was. I said it sucked, and probably took the guy less then a day to make. Her response was “like you could do it”. That Saturday morning I downloaded Unity. By that night I’d completed the clone.

My first completed original game was Pond Wars. Link in my signature.


The first one I consider completed is Valentine’s Day Escape, an endless runner with a procedurally-generated track that came from a snarky comment I made about Valentine’s Day last year. It’s linked in my signature.

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Language: QBASIC
20 years ago (~1995)
100 level, menu, highscore, demo mode and of course - a logo :wink:


Mine was a really bad text based adventure game. There were literally like 10 rooms only. The code was so messy and disgusting. Still, to this day, I cannot believe how much my code has matured. Honestly, it takes time and practice. But yeah, a really bad text game…


My fist game was quite bad. Death Race released on Android.
You swipe to avoid black dots. Not really deadly but somehow I managed to get 200 downloads.
I was so inexperienced with shipping Android mobile that I deleted my keystore key by accident. I had to reupload a game afterwards!
At some point it was so bad that some guy made a thread here how much my game sucks.
Now Death Race is taken from stores for good :stuck_out_tongue:


/The first game which I remember finishing was Contra

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Zork like game written in c++ in 2010.


Unity or other?

Unity: a crappy arcade jetpack game that I’m developing a polished version of.

Other: Oh, lord… Oh, a full roster of characters on Fighter Makers. A crappy platformer with Click-and-Play. An arcade defense game called “Zombie Dots” made with Game Maker (never released cause it sucked). Lots of Half-Life, Unreal, and TF2 maps that sucked. Some okay-ie Duke Nukem, Blood, Shadow Warrion, and other Build Engine games maps. Some crappy crap on Basic Programing for the Atari 2600. Some more crappy crap on my old C-64.

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Either you’re saying you made Contra, which is a lie.

Or you’re joking and saying you BEAT Contra, which is a bold faced lie. That game is impossible. :slight_smile:

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mine was a game made with 30 days trial if flash… You just needed to click the ball and in other mode you need to escape a mode again just by clicked (I did not knew anything other than clicking that time… ok that too was code snippet). next day I managed to upload the game and when at night i saw the 0.003$… That was the time when i was most happy in my life till today :slight_smile:


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/ I did’nt developed contra what I am trying to say is that it is first game which I remember finishing its levels.Rest I don’t remember much about it if after that you ask I finished Gta vice city

My first game was very much the same only I never really made it past the engine building stage due to the limitations in QuickBASIC. It is amazing to go back though and see how many clueless mistakes were in the code.

I’ve uploaded it for those who want to see how bad it really was. I worked on it for so long with so many rewrites over the course of a couple years in middle/high school that I’ve got practically the entire design committed to memory.


My first fully-working game written completely by me (i.e. not a modded magazine listing or something) was a very simple shoot 'em up written with AMOS on an A500 (and majorly Xenon 2 inspired).

First complete, released game: (built in Unity about 25 years later).


I haven’t made a complete game yet. I’m still learning this stuff!

Aren’t we all…

Hot damn, I love game development!