I tried to find the black hole to throw my annoyances into, but I guess this is it.
I’m usually not one to complain, but I felt sassy today and I saw the prompt in the Unity Hub
and got offended by it.
I’m not telling you to remove it without an actual inquiry into UX design and workflow, I might very well be a lone dissenting voice. But to me it is very annoying because in a world where we have way too many notifications already, it is a worm eating my brain time, demanding my attention just to take it and throw it in the bin. Why should I “learn more” about using the latest version? If you want to tell me about new things, word it along the lines of “you have updated your unity hub, do you want to know what is new?”
Or if you want to make sure people are using the latest version, maybe it would be better to have a nag prompt instead saying “You’re not using the latest version [update]”. Of course, the technical requirements for that are different, but you’re big boys/girls and I’m sure you can handle it.
PS. While at it, and in the mood of getting annoyed by small UI transgressions, I posted another thing at the same time: "Post a Poll" is stupid