Is it now impossible to have youtube links show as thumbnails in discussions?
Not quite you can have it the rebaking of html takes a while ( from hours to days depending on how many entries there is ) the thumbnails will come back and if you need one availiable now then let me know which one and i can rebuild it manually
So old forum posts will eventually have any youtube links replaced with thumbnails? Its been a couple of days now and not noticed any youtube links turning into thumbnails yet?
thumbnails = fully playable embed youtube I hope
Links seem to be no longer embeded on my WIP page either and I’ve waited a few days now. It seems the same with a few Gifs I uploaded
Vendor restarted the baking as there was a performance issue that needed fixed first apologies
Just got confirmation that rebaking is back in progress. The embeds should be sorted soon, I hope
Apologies for the delay
I can now see that 2 have appeared on my post I assume the rest are still baking. Thank you for your reply
I see new posts seem to be working, old posts I am not seeing any changes yet.