Z Fighting Problem

I have a bunch of planes with alpha textures attached to them. THey are seperated in the Z and do not collide at all. Whe I run in game mode the layers bug out and fight with each other for draw order and flicker back and forth. Any ideas?

Make the camera's near clip plane as big as possible, and the far clip plane as small as possible, so the depth buffer's precision isn't wasted.

Here is a video about unity depth shader workarounds:

also his tutorial 6.2 and 6.3 are all about depth…

and this unity resource:

Here is a Ton of info about it with 3 solutions:

I have ended with a custom-non-optimal-solution that at least works for me. I add a “ZFighter” component to any GameObject which I want to get a little bit distanced from a back object/wall. This separation is calculated according to Camera distance.


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ZFighter : MonoBehaviour {

	// Use this for initialization
	private Vector3 lastLocalPosition;
	private Vector3 lastCamPos;
	private Vector3 lastPos;

   	void Start () {
		lastLocalPosition = transform.localPosition;
		lastPos = transform.position;
		lastCamPos = Camera.main.transform.position - Vector3.up; // just to force update on first frame
 	void Update () {
		Vector3 camPos = Camera.main.transform.position;
		if (camPos != lastCamPos || transform.position != lastPos) {
			lastCamPos = camPos;
			transform.localPosition = lastLocalPosition + (camPos - transform.position) * 0.01f;
			lastPos = transform.position;
