Hey guys I’ve been prototyping lots of different games out recently and I made one that’s similar to the older Legend of Zelda games, I thought I’d share what I have.
Enemies/Weapons are using JSON for their stats.
Hey guys I’ve been prototyping lots of different games out recently and I made one that’s similar to the older Legend of Zelda games, I thought I’d share what I have.
Enemies/Weapons are using JSON for their stats.
Looking pretty good so far! Are you planning on making a finished game out of it or just a sort of asset store framework kind of thing? Either way looks like a fantastic start.
Hopefully a fully game.
Just started playing Zelda on the snes mini yesterday, amazing! So your plan is to stick to this one prototype?
Yes I have found two artists who are interested in assisting me so hopefully this project will continue
Great, I’ll follow your progress good luck!
Hey Razputin give us an update!
I like that you included knockback in your prototype. Such an important feature for combat gamefeel. I noticed some enemies tended to float away for a really long time instead of a quick knockback. If they will be a flying enemy that makes sense otherwise…
Keep up the good work!
PS also working on a zelda-like topdown