Zibra Liquids lightning sale

What happened to this? The timer reached 0, the store broke and 10-15 min later when it loaded again this asset is no longer in the sale.

Same thing, this was like was never in actual sale.

I believe that all of the lightning sales are for a limited quantity and if you aren’t able to get your purchase in with microseconds of the sale starting, you are going to miss that limited quantity.

Have you already got the Free version of Zibra Liquids in your project? Does it work well and make your game fun and proves out that your core game loop is gonna be awesome? If so, then I’d say its worth raising some cash with your prototype so that you can buy the full version and to just skip these silly lightning sales.

@BetaMark Yes I know. There are only supposed to be a few copies at 70% and after that it’s supposed to go to 60 and 50%.
But that wasn’t the case here. The moment the sale started it was gone from the sale and then the store broke.