ZigZag Movement whilst Moving Forward?

Hi Guys,

Ive got an object that constantly moves forward (be it, at a vector or target)
Now, i want its movement to be going in a ZIGZAG, forward. Essentially i would end up with a snake like movement, an S shape.

Problem is, with the coding ive used and itween events, it appears there is no easy logical way to update the position for two different movements.

Can anyone provide some insight on this?


If anyone looking for new version:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class VirusMove : MonoBehaviour

    public float speed = 2;
    float frequency = 10.0f; // Speed of sine movement
    float magnitude = 0.5f; //  Size of sine movement

    Vector3 pos;
    Vector3 axis;

    private void Awake()
        pos = transform.position;
        axis = transform.up;


    void Update()
        pos += Vector3.left * Time.deltaTime * speed;
        transform.position = pos + axis * Mathf.Sin(Time.time * frequency) * magnitude;

Hey guys,
not sure if this will help anyone, but here is the code im personally using so far.
Theres still a problem with origin positions/angles, but its still alright.

(made some minor edits to the code within the link savlon provided)

#pragma strict

var MoveSpeed = 5.0f;
var frequency = 20.0f; // Speed of sine movement
var magnitude = 0.5f; // Size of sine movement

var axis : Vector3;
var pos : Vector3;

var player : Transform;

function Start () {
pos = transform.position;
//DestroyObject(gameObject, 1.0f);
axis = transform.up; // May or may not be the axis you want

function Update () {
pos += transform.forward * Time.deltaTime * MoveSpeed;
transform.position = pos + axis * Mathf.Sin (Time.time * frequency) * magnitude;

Here I have found a nice & detailed article on the zigzag movement of game objects.

Game Object Zigzag Movement in Unity