Zombie Drive

Hey guys!

So, work has been super slow on my little pet project, so I figured I’d just throw a playable version online for you to enjoy rather than it just sitting in a folder doing nothing for long periods of time.

I’d love to do more with it, but for a while at least other projects have all my time and it’s probably not going to change much in the near future…


Arrows to drive, SPACE to handbrake. Erm … R to reposition the car if you get stuck (or, if you hold it down you will fly into the sky … hmmm, must fix that one day!)

Have fun!
Jeff PsychicParrot.

Well you are doing a fine job so far. However, controlling/steering the car prevents me from actually enjoying the game. The steering is a tad too sensitive in my humble opinion. If you could get the steering/responsivness under control your game could be quite a bit of “short term” fun :slight_smile:


I learned about it a long time ago (around 4 months) and… wow.
This version is way better than the one i remember.
No need to be specific, just everything looks and feels better.

Yeah, steering is a bit too sensitive, but i have the older version on my mind right now, so that won’t bother me much for the time. :stuck_out_tongue:
Hope you work on it further. Good luck with your projects…

Thanks, guys. I’ve had a ton of different discussions with people about the steering before and I keep tweaking it … I totally agree that it’s not quite there, yet. It just needs a little ‘something’ in the handling and I will find it one day :wink:

Good stuff Jeff! I’ll echo the comments about that the steering is a bit too sensitive (either that or in getting older I’ve lost my edge :P), but otherwise it’s lookin’ great.


I agree with all of the above - better all around!

If I had to guess what the “something” is for the controls, it’s that the car’s handling is too good - allow it to slip a little more (not having dealt with Unity’s car physics, I don’t know if this is difficult). Perhaps you ought to reduce the maximum angle of the steering wheels as well, or make it inversely proportional to the car’s speed - if someone wants to turn harder, they can use the brakes/handbrake.

Cool! Thanks, guys.

I will try to update the handling at the weekend … making it a bit more like a slidey car again :slight_smile:


Awesome, reminds me of Carmaggedon, except you can feel better about yourself because you’re hitting zombies! Good job, I agree the car handles too well which actually makes it hard to handle :). I would also consider slowing the acceleration slightly…maybe.

Yea I am gonna chime in here to, I love this hahaha too much fun, but I agree that the car is just too hard to drive, I was all over the road. I found my self focusing on trying to drive straight more than crushing some zombie heads :wink: I am sure with some more tweaks and such, the game will come together like a zombie’s brain on a windshield.

Well done and keep at it.

will you add a car selection menu ?
i could drive a golf cart while clubbing zombie heads with a #7

Thanks for the comments, guys. I just uploaded a new version that has improved handling and a bunch of little bug fixes.

llavigne - yeah, that’d be cool only I don’t have any 3d guy anymore. This was a spare time project where I nabbed some of the 3d guys time in-between other projects and we’re all stretched for time so chances are that the game won’t change much now.

Jeff. 8)

Much nicer Jeff, I had brains flyin’ all over the place. :slight_smile:

One thing I’d suggest, instead of the zombies exploding as soon as they touch the car (even if your not moving it seems) make them sensitive to the impact force. So I have to hit them head on at a good speed to pop 'em. That is a fun time killer… perfect for the iPhone. :slight_smile:

Great, feels a lot better now! 8)

This has to be one of the best indi projects i have ever seen in terms of gameplay and replayability keep up the good work.

You should make it so you get extra time for hitting zombies and make the city a bit bigger and more zombies :smile:

OH shit thats cool. I think the song really makes the game. Who is it singing?

Thanks for the comments. One day maybe I’ll get back to it and finish the game off … I never did get to sort out the nuclear explosion at the end properly!

And who is on the audio track? Hmmm … not sure. I’ll see if I can dig it up and post here. It’s such a cool track - perfect for zombie bashing in a car methinks.


Oh please do finish it, it reminds me so much of Carmageddon i loved that game. nothing beats driving around and mowing down zombies.

and yeh the music track is awesome, i have some more you can add that would be perfect

The game is absolutely addictive.

This would be a must have for an iPhone game.

I really like the car script. I love that you can manage to roll your vehicle. Like it’s been said, steering is a little bit sensitive, but overall, excellent.

The game is fun fun fun!


never seen that version Jeff!
Looks pretty sweet with all the effects to my environment :slight_smile:

I would have made the road a bit wider if I had time. I think it would help with the steering.

I thought this was already on the iPhone??