Zombie Spawn Per Round Script

So hey there
im new here but i have a zombie game and i looking for a script that spawn zombies per round.
in the left corner i want tho show round…
can you help me?

var TurnNumber : int = 1;//keeps track of the turns :stuck_out_tongue:
var SpawnPoint : Vector3;//enter the desired coordinates where the zombies should spawn here.

var ZombiePrefab : GameObject;//drag your prefab gameobject of a sample zombie here, it will be copied and instantiated into the scene
var ZombieClone : GameObject;//keep this empty, the script will fill it when a zombie is instantiated. 
//It only holds the last spawned zombie, all before that one have to be accessed by some other method.

function Update() 

function OnGUI()
	GUI.Label (Rect (0, 0, 50, 100), "Turn " + TurnNumber);//displays the turn number in the upper left corner.
	//GUI.Box (Rect (0, 0, 50, 100), TurnNumber);//if you want to see how the dimensions of the label above actually look, active this line of code (or just use it instead if you don't mind the box graphic)

function NextTurn()
	TurnNumber ++;//increases the turnNumber value by 1.
	SpawnZombie();//calls the function that spawns zombies.

function SpawnZombie()
	ZombieClone = Instantiate(ZombiePrefab, SpawnPoint, Quaternion.identity);//Spawns a copy of ZombiePrefab at SpawnPoint with default rotation.

It’s great, but all in one line. Could you please give a pastebucket link?