Zone Id?

wel, i just tried out Unity ad. and since then i hav been looking all over to see what all the zone id are.

but i cannot find any info on that, except that “pictureZone” from the documentation.

according to that documentation, 3 types of ads are available (do correct me if there are more)
1.default placement: Video ads, skipping enabled after 5 seconds
2.Rewarded placement: Only videos, no-skipping allowed
3.Picture only placement: For places where full video ad-experience would not fit.

so 1(skippable video interstitial) is calling with no parameter, and 3(static interstitial) is calling with “pictureZone” (I suppose?).

what is the zone id for 2(Rewarded placement)?

i really prefer to saperate different kinds of ads with diff calls, where we can request, show, get events respectively rather than wrapping all into one and use string id to differrentiate

The zone IDs for your game are listed under the Monetization Settings tab of your game profile.

  • Select your game profile from the Games page.
  • Select the Monetization Settings tab.
  • Select the Show Advanced Settings button.
  • Observe the ID column under Ad Placements.

Can’t see to make “pictureZone” in iOS to work. Any Clues?

I have the same problem. I’ve found zoneID (“pictureZone”) in documentation, but it doesn’t work. Apparently UnityAds doesn’t support pictures anymore. Could somebody confirm it officially please?


I was wondering the same thing, and can’t find the Monetization settings tab. Could you provide a link to access it, please?

Edit: found it! I had to select one platform in the ads dashboard, instead of looking at the general settings of the app.


I’m having a hard time finding the “Monetization Settings” tab.

Is this in the Unity Editor or on through the Ads web page?

Has changed in the new dashboard at When you have selected platform (Android/iOS) for your game, the placement id is in the column “INTEGRATION ID”



i didn’t found “INTEGRATION ID” but “Project ID” .

is it equall to GameID?

Please Help !

@Nirav-Madhani , you have to select your game and then platform (iOS/Android). Then you have a column with the “Integration id”.

By default it’s either “video” or “rewardedVideo”, but you can also add new placements yourself to get better control over when ads should be displayed in your game.

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Thank you very much.

For everyone else still searching for Zone ID. Quick and simple answer.