Why do things (wireframes, etc.) disappear when you zoom in? It’s very frustrating. Mac version.
Also, is there a way to Select Zoom, drag a box around something to zoom in?
Why do things (wireframes, etc.) disappear when you zoom in? It’s very frustrating. Mac version.
Also, is there a way to Select Zoom, drag a box around something to zoom in?
Maybe you’re working in a scale that’s too small and the objects are getting culled by the near clip plane? Try a typical scale (1 unit = 1 meter). To focus on a specific object, click on it and press F (with the mouse cursor in the scene view).
Thanks Eric,
The F trick is good to know.
The problem I found was 1. my item has no depth so a side view is invisible. 2. in wireframe mode looking at it from backside was blank, apparently may have something to do with normals/faces but front view was ok. I changed to Tex - Wire and it seems to work as expected.
Still not sure what I was doing before, I could see the plane zoomed out a bit, zoomed in and it disappeared, I was in wireframe mode. Scale is ok.
Thanks for the comment Chearner,
Me Too. Everything was fine until I updated to the newest version. Now I’ve got the same problem. It’s not a scale issue for me. 1 unit=1 meter in my scenes.
@ Eric5h5: near clip plane: Eric, is there a way to set the near clip plane for the scene cam in the preferences. I’m looking but I can’t find a setting.
Not that I know of.