Zooming with webgl build on itchio


I made a small 2d game and used the Canvas UI for an inventory system.
On itch io, if I zoom on the browser, the UI is affected. I tried setting the UI Scale mode to “Constant Physical Size” but it still doesn’t work right. In Unity, it looks just fine no matter what screen size I set it, but gets messed up if I resize the window.6135746--669248--2020-07-27_00-35-40.gif 6135746--669251--2020-07-27_01-00-41.gif
Is there some setting that I’m missing?

Ha, it’s too late at night. I just saw the “Scale with Screen Size” option. IT fixed it for most stuff except 16:10 resolution. Suspect it might be the same problem this guy has since I have the same unity version. Zooming in on browser resizes and moves some UI elements - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions