UNITY 5 Ready! UVPaint creates decals and immediately bakes them in needed ShaderProperty texture on 3D objects. It allows you to draw a variety of accessories and decals into the 3D model at runtime without losing performance and video memory. Very easy and intuitive code.
• Does not require Unity Pro (Unity 5) for stable working;
• Supports Android and IOS;
• Does not create additional meshes;
• More Options;
• Works with custom Shader;
• Decals support any alpha channels;
• Unlimited decals on every skinned mesh;
• The possibility for creating a wide range of necessary decals in realtime;
• Only bake texture based on unwraped UV (you can create tattoo, details, blood splatter, etc.);
• You can draw back to the original texture using the eraser.
Change Log: v1.7a Notice: This is the last version that supports Unity 4 • Added “Shadow Painting” feature. (based on depth map) • Added Transparent shaders support. • Added NPOT textures support. • Added “Zombie Race” game demo. • Added new Demo Scene “UVPaint Place” • Fixed trouble with Repeat Decals (wrap mode:Repeat now supports) • Removed old demo scenes.
Change log story
• Now plugin works up to 3x faster;
• Now works perfectly with Unity 5.4 and high;
• Added Documentation;
• Added Component “Ignore UVPaint”;
• Added UVPaint Options for more convenience;
• Added FlexiMode (Ability to choose Texture Property of the Shader. For example: _BumpMap);
• Added Rotation in degrees option;
• Added function to save Result in Disk Space;
• Added Deep Alpha option;
• Added Ability to switch Decaling to Shared Material;
• Added global Alpha option;
• Fixed bug with pink material on Unity 5.4 and high;
• Fixed bug with Android “Black” textures;
• Added Full Restore tool for turning back the original texture;
• Added Decal States (save points) for Restore Tool;
• Small update existing scenes;
• Fixed bug with lost textures;
• Fixed issues with dll (console errors);
• Increased spot distance;
• Added erase tool for turning back the original texture;
• Reduced package size;
• Added new demo scene “Shooter” (demonstrates blood, color decals and erase tool).
Looks really interesting. In the paint splat scene, the projection looks funky when the paint hits the corner of the wall though.
Could this be used in the editor too? That would make it handy for terrain and wall decals. Although for that one would likely want to write onto a detail map instead of the albedo (that’s what I’m assuming is going on here).
'Cause the way it is right now, as far as I’m aware, most decal systems out there use a transparency/fade shader. And that’s a bit of an issue when shadows get involved.
But this system seems pretty cool though. First I’ve seen on the asset store that can project onto skinned meshes. The results kinda reminds me of how the source engine does it.
Thanx for Reply! Nope, this doesn’t use any mesh, and another shaders. Only bake texture based on Unwraped UV. Editor side will be in the next update as feature
This looks to have a lot of promise! I have been looking for a decal system but the existing ones do not fit the bill. I have a few questions please:
Can this system be used to create/paint bullet holes at the point where a rigidbody bullet collided with another mesh? In the paintball demo, how do you calculate the position where to paint the decal on the skinned mesh? I have previously tried this and could not resolve it.
Is it possible to create/paint decals on enter and on the exit of a collision? For example, when a bullet collides with another mesh it would create one decal on entering it, fly through the mesh, and then exit it creating a second decal.
If an explosion particle is initiated, is it possible to create/paint a dark explosion crater on the surface(s) where the explosion was instantiated? Like this:
It would be great do be able to try out the demo scenes via web player, to get a better understanding of how this system works and whether it is appropriate for my use case. Keep up the great work
I mean can I use diffuse texture (multiple colors)? In your video there is only single colored decals. For example I’d like to have a multi-colored tattoo.
Does this work in 5.3.3 and 5.3.4? The package doesn’t say it’s updated for 5.x. It looks like you’re still active with it, but I just wanted to make sure before buying.
Also, is there a way to do a fade back into the original texture setup? I would like to use this for environmental effects which wear off over time, and want them to revert to their original state with a fade-back in slowly. Is that a normal operation in your asset?
Hi @iRobi I have tried out the demo and it is fantastic! The performance was quite slow though, but I suppose that that was because of all the instantiating and destroying?
I have a question regarding the shaders for this. Do I need to use a specific shader on my models to get it to work, or can any shader be used? I have a special skin shader for example that I am using, will this work with that?
Also I noticed in the asset store that there is a dll file included, does this mean that the source code cannot be modified?