ZzZzZ UVPaint ( skinned mesh Decal+Texturing System) ZzZz

Hi iRobi,

I recently had to remove the UVPaint plugin from my game because it seemed responsible for an abruptly-appearing, devastating performance problem, but it remains the ideal solution and I’d like to re-implement it. We had always had massive performance issues when the decals were applied (which I’d also appreciate any optimization advice on), but these new problems would last until the decals were removed, at which point performance would return to normal.

We’re already doing a bit of rendering wizardly to populate a large forest, so I assume that UVPaint may be negatively interacting with that solution. I think the initial spikes for decal placement are due to UVPaint’s additional render calls to the camera, but I have no idea what could be causing the continued performance issues after the initial placement. Do you have any ideas why that might have abruptly begun happening? The asset we’re using for the forest rendering is VegetationStudio , which isn’t public yet, but maybe the info page could have a hint?
