Hi and sorry for the possible confusion, but what you basically do with this asset is that you type in a command, like: go Cube2.getPosition to return the position value of the gameObject named Cube2, this may be pretty basic stuff but it can still be useful which i show in the end of the video, by integrating the Console Window into a fully working prototype, which another developer can then try out and for example (taken from the first part of the video!) write go Cube1.inAction where inAction will only return succes (a positive line of text in the output log) if the script ‘UserString’ exists on the Cube1 gameObject, else it will explain to the developer who tests out their game that the component called ‘UserScript’ doesn’t exists on the gameObject called Cube1. it IS very simple but still very powerful and also very versatile
you can implement the gameObjects into the Console Window by adding more and more gameObjects into a list, which will then (in runtime) show the test developer which available Objects there are to use with the start command ‘go’. after you have entered a valid gameObjects name you will then want to add a punctuation, and then the Actions window pop up to show which available actions there is, currently i have integrated every single action there is shown in the video, where the actions: move, rotate and inAction are all custom actions, which relies on user created scripts. you can also add components (scripts that will be added to a certain gameObject in runtime) and you can only add one component at a time per gameObject, and you can also delete components (remove scripts from a certain gameObject) in runtime.
I do hope this explains a little more and i really hope that you’ll ask me if there is something you still don’t think you understand fully 
Btw, if you’re like me regarding not wanting to use too many DLL’s in a project then i can happily tell you that this project does NOT use any dll files from 3rd party (nor first party where first party = me) so i hope that this also clarifies a little better 
Dave M.
I have now uploaded the video to Youtube anyway