Nice work! Loving it! Would be an instant buy for me. I’d hope for an (introductory) prizing below 10€. What other packs have you planned? I am also looking for overalls, jackets, glasses, hats, shoes, gloves, sports, helmets, beards, hairs Are you also following up with a pack for women?
First of all crowd random generation script will require some work to make it less repetitive visually …
But for now pack contains 10 cloth slots, 16 texture overlays (10 base + 6 minor variants), and 3 character slot fixes (we are trying to have replaceable body parts, as doubling hidden geometry is not the best idea imho )
torso : shirt, tshirt, hoodie and sweatshirt
legs : trousers, jeanses, shorts and cargo pants
shoes: smartshoes and sneakers
About pricing… well - each piece of garment requires a few days of work (we are creating higres geometry, bake normal/ao/curvature/base textures , and finally merge them and polish manually)…
We want to deliver quality in reasonable price, but we need to make for living so we will try to make single character available under 10€, but selling a whole pack at such price (which btw will be extended soon) would not be best decision for us - please compare what is available
About the women pack - yes, we started creating it, but again - it depends if we will be able to pay our billls …
@lgz: fully understand the efforts you have. I do this stuff myself and it eats way too much time… looking forward to your release and hopefully lots of people will like and buy it so that you can afford to publish more.
OK - So here is the line-up of the real pack content for today (10 base geometries with 10 primary textures
(Sorry for the late answer but I was fighting some weighting issues in the Blender )
As you can see (comparing to the live) adding a few custom textures and colorizing base variant can make a difference
And yes - we should haveat least one LOD level - as 1040 tris for just a jeans is not mobile friendly
That’s brilliant - Just what UMA needs.
Look forward to a similar set for females too. It’s always good to have male and female versions of all clothing Cracking work though, count me in as a purchaser XD
I remember when women used to wear clothing like that in the US. Where do you live to have designed a jacket like that for a women? I don’t think I’ve seen that since the late '60s when I was a baby.
How is the male pack progressing? Any estimate yet on availability? Can’t wait to get my hands on it
PS: newest web player looks very cool already. Shader is a little bit too much like plastic for my taste and the short cargo pants seem a little bit too wide which results in a high risk to intersect with each other.
Seriously though, looks like a great pack. There seem to be some small issues with the collar on the dress shirt in the web player. I can’t tell if it’s the normals or maybe just a weighting issue?
Aaarghh! They have eyes, and pig noses, and elves ears in the asset store version - and they look bit creepy!
Finally we made a submission, pending review now, so in the meantime - here is the webplayer wersion of build 0.90 (one sent to the Asset Store - based on the UMA, without Dyonisus skin. )
Unfortunately there are some differences between latest git version of UMA (one I was working on recently) and the asset store version so I decided to make our first build totally based on the UMA It will be much easier to track changes later…
And about the issues.
Collar weighting → I tried to find a compromise between nice neck rotation and good look of the collar, but some extreme proportions settings (extremely large head vs extremely thin neck or small upper frame… or vice versa) are just too hard to match (for me at least ) .Maybe there should be some additional rules coded (but hey! it is 0.90 aka first public version of the cloth pack, and the guys are working hard on expanding the base system )…
Shaders → that’s interesting question… UMA/Bumped Specular is an interesting shader (especially if it goes to reducing draw calls/memory usage) but have some quirks… I must admit that I have still problems with specular/gloss textuing - and I would like to solve it for the next update. Tho I need to consult with the UMA guys first .
Shorts proportions → Let’s hope it will be only the one piece of cloths with possible intersections problems