Application.OpenURL with iPhone?

Hello community,
I am trying to get some web functionality built into our game. We simply want to open safari to a specified url when a button is pressed on our GUI. We tried using Application.OpenURL, but that only works while in edit mode and not when launched live to an iphone or ipod touch. Has anyone tried to do something similar? Thanks in advance! Still looking through documentation as we speak.


Application.OpenURL is not supported in the 1.0 release of Unity iPhone.

Thanks for the quick response! While I am saddened to hear this news, is there any way to get this functionality with the advanced iPhone license? Currently I only have the Basic License.

The reason why I ask is because we are going to eventually try to get a player’s score from the iPhone/iPod touch sent to a website that will put it into a leaderboard. Are these things possible with an advanced license?


You wouldn’t use Application.OpenURL for high scores anyway; you’d use the WWW class, which works in Basic.


Yeah we are working with the www class at the moment. Sorry, I didn’t specify that in my last post :).