(note: it may be an Integer not a float, im not quite sure) so in my "RPG game" i'm setting up a very simple click to auto attack system, so far i have this set up on my monster:
var hitPoints = 100.0; var Player: Transform; var Self: Transform; var TextofMonster: Transform; function OnMouseOver () { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { Player.GetComponent(AttackSomething).AttackMonster(Self); } } function ApplyDamage(DamageofWeapon) { print(DamageofWeapon); hitPoints -= DamageofWeapon; TextofMonster.GetComponent(TextMesh).text = "DamageofWeapon"; if (hitPoints { DestroySelf(); } } function DestroySelf() { print("destroy") }
now the DamageofWeapon is an Float sent from another script, its a random number (depending on what weapon you use). I have the TextofMonster set up as a 3d Text that is a child of the monster, and it's original text is set to a space (nothing). I want it so everytime the function is called, it shows the damage that is caused (the DamageofWeapon) but i tried just putting that in there but i get an error code. I figure this is because DamageofWeapon is an Float and not a String, so alas my question, can i turn the number from DamageofWeapon into a string, or make the 3D text display that Float?