I’m wondering if there is a way to display symbols in the text in the GUI system. For example, I would like to display the symbol for degrees ˚ (option-k on a Mac) in a label in the GUI. Any idea how to do this or if it is even possible?
Just use option-k as usual. If the font was imported as Unicode, then it will work fine.
For some reason this isn’t working with the default GUISkin and font. It came up as a ? instead of the symbol.
Also, apologies for putting this in the wrong forum. If the moderators have the power, please move this thread to the Unity GUI forum.
The assets for the default font should be available in the GUI section of the forums. You can look at those and see if the degree symbol is in the font (I don’t think it is). If it isn’t, you’ll need to either modify the font and add the symbol, or import a font that includes the symbol.
The default GUI font does indeed have the degree symbol (but it’s so small it looks like a dot). If you’re setting the text by script, you probably have to make sure your text editor is using Unicode.