Thinking about recent posts by @Master-Frog and the weekly posts asking either how to be an Indie (how to get started) or which studies to focus on in college to get into games has me thinking about it all this morning.
Of course, being game development forums for probably the most popular game dev “kit” of all time, we have a very misconstrued view of reality. From here, it often seems like every single man, woman and child on the planet wants to be a game developer.
So, I decided to do…
A brief thought experiment on this scenario
What would the world be like if truly every person was a game developer?
No longer would you go down to the local store and buy food. Or clothing. There would be no cars or even bikes. Basically it would cause a return to times of old where each person had to labor working the land growing crops, hunting, fishing and trapping to put food on the table and be able to make clothing.
Ultimately there would be little time left for game dev. Combine that with power systems breaking down and everybody too busy living and building games there would be nobody to repair such things. Nobody would be building houses. You’ll need to buy an existing one and ultimately everyone will need to build their own… maybe a little log cabin. Oh and nobody would be buying games. There would basically be no money needed anymore. Instead we’d probably see a trade like “Can I give you 3 eggs for that game?” … “Sure. That sounds good!” And that is if people even had an interest and time to play other people’s games.
Perhaps someone created a solar powered computer system before they too traded in their career for game dev. So now you’re sitting in front of your computer after a long day of hard work to stay alive with a computer that has about 2 hours of power available for you to make games.
Why Do You Want To Do It?
Which led me too wondering why do so many people want to make games full-time (as in for a living)?
I get that games are fun and working on them can be a lot of fun. But so is hiking, photography, building real world objects and many other activities. Yet it seems like a large percentage of people want to make games full-time as their job (whether working at an established game studio or working as a self-employed Indie).
So my question is…
Do you really “love” game dev so much that you would look forward to doing it every day 8 to 10 hours per day with the stress of tight deadlines that have to be met or you’ll lose your job (or Indie business)?
Or do you simply hate your current job (or if you’re not yet working do you simply hate the other jobs that you know of)?
Or is it that you just hate the idea of working for someone else as in having a boss / manager “over” you and you see game dev as a way to escape to your freedom?