Sorry for the amateur question, but I just can’t figure out to get this script working. Our basic setup is a first person mode and once the escape key is pressed, the mouse orbit is disabled (so users can click on the search bar without moving the camera). What would I need to add for the escape key to re-enable the mouse orbit (and disable the search bar)?
#pragma strict
var script : dropDownList;
var script2 : MouseOrbit;
function Start () {
script = GetComponent(dropDownList); //change the name in the bracket to match the name of the search bar script
script.enabled = false;
script2 = GetComponent(MouseOrbit);
script2.enabled = true;
function Update () {
if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Escape)) { //key code can be changed to a different key
script = GetComponent(dropDownList);
script.enabled = true;
script2 = GetComponent(MouseOrbit);
script2.enabled = false;}
Thanks in advance