some of my users encountered PurchaseFailureReason.Unknown, and contacted me what is wrong. I’m clueless what should I say to them, as UNITY IAP DO NOT PROVIDE DETAILS on this error of any kind.
I can’t really say them what you have on documentation: “A catch-all for unrecognized purchase problems.”
I can picture something like: “Dear user, it could be anything, really. Have a good day.” - just kidding.
If a marker recognition is flickering, or some Ad fails to load, I can accept that easily. But when one of my users recognize value in my game and WANT TO PLACE AN ACTUAL PURCHASE, I think it should work. If it does not, at least we should know why.
Please help, WHAT IS THE ERROR, how can the user resolve it.
For inspiration, you people really should take a look at a typical NSError on iOS**.** It has: an error domain, a description, an array (!) of recovery options, a recovery suggestion, and a failure reason. All localized, full sentences. On every error. Errors happen, but information do help.
@ap-unity @JeffDUnity3D
(wow, seemingly you supported Remote Settings as well yesterday, thanks for that, but maybe you should expand the team, just a thought)