Ivy Studio✅- Procedural Vine generation, dynamic planting in run time, ivy flower generation

This is the thread dedicated to the work in progress on the new **Ivy Studio **asset

Ivy Studio Roadmap

Next Update (v1.0.3):
- Ivy directionality during planting, based on camera forward and other options

  • More gravitate controls, e.g. add curved Ivy when planted in flat surfaces
  • Fix issue where shadow appear for whole mesh while gradually growing
  • Add grow shader variant for the gradual grow sysem for URP and HDRP (currenty is only SRP shader)
    - Add undo and redo functionality, ideally using the normal undo-redo path or a button in editor
  • Finalize interaction between player and Ivy shader, pass player postion - velocity to shader
  • Add more options in control of gradual grow based on UVs of mesh
    - Add scaling of leaves - flowers with factor than edit the prefab itself
  • Add more motion options e.g. waving while gradually growing plants
  • Add sample with distance fade in shader before LOD cutoff for smooth transitions
  • Apply fade to URP-HDRP shaders (currenty is only SRP shader)
    - Added gradual grow optimization, where branches of same stroke are batched together after growth
    - Added Gizmo level control, zero disable icons and plant limit boxes, one shows only icons and two shows both

Planned features down the line:

  • Procedural Flower generator
  • Ivy gradual burn system
  • More options on placement e.g. create Ivy bridges
  • Add gradual grow of editor Ivy as user passes by

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Ivy Studio v1.0.4 WIP - Added gradual grow shader for URP.

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Ivy Studio v1.0.4 WIP - Added interact shader for SRP.

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Ivy Studio v1.0.4 WIP - Brushes and directionality of Ivy.

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Ivy Studio v1.0.4 WIP - Gradual Ivy growth and Interactivity in HDRP version.

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Ivy Studio - Work in progress on procedural wall generator for Ivy Studio, this module will be a bonus feature to create base randomized walls for use in the Ivy demos and potentially in the games.

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Ivy Studio v1.0.4 WIP - Gradual Ivy growth and Interactivity in HDRP version.

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Ivy Studio new work in progress wall generator module used together with Sky Master ULTIMATE Volumetric lighting Ethereal.

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Ivy Studio work in progress on testing the system on mobile. Ivy Studio demo was built for Android and is now confirmed to work directly on mobile. A demo APK will follow soon.

The image above is grabbed directly from a Samsung S8 phone running the Ivy Studio demo.

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Ivy Studio work in progress on Single Pass Instanced VR mode for URP.

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Ivy Studio 1.0.5 is in the final stages of WIP and will be released soon.

Ivy Studio 1.0.5

  • Added per layer planting and option to turn this mode on of off
  • Added new hollow tree and bush sample
  • Added Single Pass Instanced VR support for URP and Standard Pipelines (tested in MockHMD)
  • Added emission with texture control enabled shader for alien looking plants

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Ivy Studio v1.0.5 is now released at the Unity Asset Store !!!

  • Added per layer planting and option to turn this mode on of off
  • Added new hollow tree and bush sample
  • Added Single Pass Instanced VR support for URP and Standard Pipelines (tested in MockHMD)
  • Added emission with texture control enabled shader for alien looking plants

Ivy Studio v1.0.6 is now the current WIP, that will enable twisting in roots like in InfiniTREE system, video of the new effect coming soon.

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Ivy Studio work in progress on the experimental branch and bark growth systems, the new module can wrap ivy parts around a central one in a spiral way.

The new effect is planned for next update.

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Ivy Studio 1.0.6 work in progress, added new spine based growth first version.

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Ivy Studio next version work in progress, added new Ivy bridge growth.

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Ivy Studio work on new Ivy bridge growth.

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Ivy Studio v1.1 has been released at the Unity Asset Store !

Ivy Studio 1.1.1a

  • Added ARTnGAME welcome screen with links to all major ARTnGAME assets, contact information and tutorial and asset material, for easier reference through the Unity editor.
  • Fixed the information text when opening the Ivy Editor window.

Ivy Studio 1.1.1 - (Major upgrade)

  • Updated the asset to Unity 2021.3 LTS, which will be the version all new features will be based on.
  • Refined demo scenes in URP and removed HDRP references in camera.

Ivy Studio 1.1.0

  • Added new module to ungrow Ivy gradually during play mode. The same module also allows to plant Ivy on pre defined points in the scene.

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Ivy Studio v1.1.1b has been released at the Unity Asset Store !

Ivy Studio 1.1.1b

  • Replaced the Action directive with System.Action in the multithreading module, such as to avoid any possible ambiguity conflicts if an Action function is declared in the project in a non namespaced class.

Work in progress update:
A system to assign the Ivy to a layer upon creation is now in the making and will be in the next updates

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A note on Ivy Studio shaders use in Deferred mode in URP

If need to use the Ivy on Deferred Mode, can enter the shader and replace the “LightMode” = “UniversalForward” with “LightMode” = “UniversalForwardOnly”. This will allow the grass to appear in both Forward and Deferred modes.

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(New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for only $99 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)

Ivy Studio v1.1.2 has been released at the Unity Asset Store !

Ivy Studio 1.1.2

  • Added option to direct the Ivy based on the vector from the camera to the plant point.
  • Added support for Deffered URP mode by replacing of the “LightMode” = “UniversalForward” with “LightMode” = "UniversalForwardOnly"in the relevant shaders.
  • Added new tutorial with enhanced sound.

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