Load sprite to UI.Image.sprite

I’m trying to load a sprite to my Ui.Image but for some reason i’m not getting any errors or results. I’m not sure how to debug this issue.

public GameObject DisplayImage;

void OnClick( int id ){
    DisplayImage.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = Resources.Load("Assets/CharacterImages" + results[id].ImgName) as Sprite;  //results[id].ImgName = "/Humans/Soldier"

I’m not sure what path works so i’ve tried the following already and none of them work.

  • Assets/CharacterImages/Humans/Soldier
  • …/CharacterImages/Humans/Soldier
  • /CharacterImages/Humans/Soldier
  • CharacterImages/Humans/Soldier

Appreciate it if anyone can point me in the direction to figure this out. Thanks.

Resources.Load only works for objects placed in the resources folder. To do this, create a folder called “Resources” and place all of your sprites inside of it. Then, change the resources call to Resources.Load(results[id].imgName) as Sprite;

Resources.Load does NOT take the path of an asset into account. All it does is search within all folders called resources for an Asset with the given name.

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