Mesh Simplify is a powerful Unity extension that allows you to quickly reduce polygon count on your 3D models using just a single click.
Mesh simplification is especially useful when importing high resolution meshes or targeting lower end mobile platforms where low polycount is key.
Our Automatic LOD package includes Mesh Simplify in its full extension, so if LOD management is required please consider getting our Automatic LOD package instead.
Simplify / decimate meshes procedurally using just one click
Finetune mesh simplification using different parameters
Select mesh areas that should have less priority or more priority during polygoncount reduction.
Mesh simplifier supports both static and skinned meshes!
Includes full source code
Includes high quality 3D models and sample scenes seen on the screenshots
Clean, easy to use and powerful UI with multiediting support
Valid for all platforms! Especially useful on mobile
Supports complex object hierarchies with sub-objects and multiple materials
Sure. Sent you an e-mail with a basic human model with a single blendshape on it. After importing to Unity, increase the “Bloat” blendshape value on the character’s mesh to make it appear… well… bloated
Very happy to find this asset at the store! I though of dropping by just to ask a quick question. Would it be possible to use your asset to erase interior parts of meshes? I have an application where big objects are generated procedurally, by aggregating other small prefab meshes. However, in the end, although I got fairly satisfactory results, I end up with plenty of vertices and faces inside the final object. I wonder if your tool would help me deleting those? Thanks anyway and congrats for the great asset.
Sure! If you check the video at 2:40 you can see how to assign priorities to vertices. In your case I would select all interior vertices and assign them -1 priority
Wow, that sounds pretty awesome. And yours is a smart idea: I should go for a runtime simplification passed via script after my objects are procedurally generated and then set the priority of inner vertices to -1, right? I guess now the challenge is how to select inner vertices of objects procedurally generated objects, since they have random shapes. Do you think your asset has any tool that might help in that or would you recommend any other asset/script that I could buy together with yours so to achieve that? Many thanks for the quick and warm reply.