Hi everyone.
I’m glad to announce
“Game Launcher”
The Ultimate Solution to manage the updates of your game or app by creating patches using the Binary Diff technique.
Binary Diff creates a patch only with the differences between versions.
This will reduce the download sizes and bandwidth usage by 90%!
Also it includes a complete Launcher UI to display your News, Changelog, Alerts, Server Status, or Promotions!
Do you need another UI style for your game or app? (WPF or Visual Studio Form)
Game Launcher UI styles will be available in the Asset Store too!
| Website | Asset Store | Pro Version | Enterprise Version (Multi-Games Launcher)| Video | Documentation | Download Demo |
Join the Discord channel for support
(Custom Designs and Functions starting from $300 USD)
We will offer 3 versions:
Basic Version
- All functions
- Template UI with source code
- GameLauncherCore.DLL (no source code access)
Pro Version
- All functions
- Template UI with source code
- Complete source code of the GameLauncher (Core)
Enterprise Version
- All functions of Pro Version
- Manage multiple games updates
- Manage multiple games UI’s in one Launcher
The UI Styles will be compatible with both versions.
You only need to assign the DLL file to the UI Style to get a fully functional product.
Binary Diff patches
Create small patches only with the differences between two versions.
This will reduce the download sizes and bandwidth usage by 90%!
News/Feed and Alerts
The launcher can show information about your game/app. Show your server status, patch info, changelog, and make alerts or promotions!
The launcher can repair itself and your game/app files!
The launcher can update itself, so you can launch updates to your launcher too!
Manage various environments
The launcher can manage various environments of an app/game at the same time.
Change between the Public Release and Public Beta environment and apply patches and updates for each one!
This includes showing localized News/Feed and Alerts for each one!
Multi-Language support
The launcher supports multiple languages and can be changed in the Launcher Settings!
Google Drive / Server Host
The launcher is designed to easily download your updates from your preferred host!
Customize your Launcher applying your own Background, Logo, or by buying a Custom Skin!
The launcher has animations!
Extend the launcher with your own features!
Easy to Use
With a few clicks your Patch/Update will be deployed
Well documented
Step by step guided with animated GIF documentation
It is fully compatible with .NET Core, so it can run on all desktop platforms.
It uses WPF Visual Studio Forms to create your Launcher.
Default UI Style
Main Screen
Custom UI Styles
Other UI Styles will be available in Unity Asset Store!
Also you as developer can sell your own custom UI Styles in the Asset Store!
Create your patches in Unity
This post will receive updates about the progress!
Animated Documentation
Ask your questions!