Roll A Ball Tutorial?

Hi guys,

So I know that Roll A Ball got updated to Unity 5 but I’m getting lots of bugs, and I’m only at the “Move Camera” section.

The ball only moves horizontally (left and right.) Sometimes when I try and move it up or down the ball will collapse in on itself. Other times it will just sink or begin to fly.

The camera isn’t moving with the ball, it is remaining stationary, even though I’ve copied the code correctly?

My question is, is there an updated version for 5.3.4? If there isn’t I should still carry on with the tutorial even though it doesn’t inform me properly?

P.S. I realise this post probably pops up a lot.

Can you please post this in the official Roll-a-ball tutorial thread? This way the presenter of the lesson will be more likely to see your question.

As this is not posted in the correct location, I am closing this thread.

Ps. The current tutorial works just fine under any version of Unity 5, including 5.3.4f1 Please post in the official thread and we will dig thru where you are and find the problem.