Hey guys,
I just finished my first ever Unity3D game
It’s also my first 3D game ever. You can check it out here:
It’s pretty basic but I’m still teaching myself a lot of things. The point of this game was to get something finished and as bug free as possible out. With time, hopefuly I’ll get better. 
Sorry if the wind sound gets annoying. For some reason it loops seamlessly in Audacity but not in Unity :x
Edit: Now with screeny’s!
Please let me know what you think!
Many thanks!
An interesting use of the Runes and quite a good atmosphere. Seemed to work ok. I got to 50 and was rewarded with some angelic voices. Perhaps the music is a little too Christian. The Runes are from a Pagan Tradition. 
Also Traditionally, the Runes are carved and coloured Red.
Thanks for the feedback
Now that I look at it the audio is a bit out of the theme, especially the front end. Should have picked up on that lol. Also didn’t know runes were traditionally red - Hollywood lied to me! 
Thank you for playing it!
Glad to give feedback on this project… If you want to look deeply into ‘The Runes’, I recommend this book…
Futhark, a Handbook of Rune Magic
by Edred Thorsson