SendMessage not calling function in other script

I do understand that questions like this have been asked before, but I’ve looked at many of them with no fix to my issue. I have a raycast that is calling a function through SendMessage and apply damage to an enemy.

The first code is

function AttackDamage ()
    //Attack function
    var hit : RaycastHit;
    if (Physics.Raycast(TheSystem.transform.position, TheSystem.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward), hit))
        Distance = hit.distance;
        if (Distance < MaxDistance)
            hit.transform.SendMessage("ApplyDamage", Damage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

and the code with the function I want to call is

var Health = 100;

function Update () 
    if(Health <= 0)

function ApplyDamage(Damage : int)
    Health -= Damage;

function Dead() 

The AttackDamage function does call the debug at the end so I imagine that there is not issue with that function, I think it is just SendMessage not calling the ApplyDamage function. I have also tried BroadcastMessage and that hasn’t worked either.

Ask if you need anything else from me, thanks!

Only a few possible reasons come to mind here. As mentioned above, it could be that an object without the ApplyDamage script is picking up the message (like a child, or the parent without the script).

Check this via:

if (Distance < MaxDistance)
                   hit.transform.SendMessage("ApplyDamage", Damage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

This returns a boolean, which you could include in a Log. Also, SendMessage is a pretty heavy call. I’d recommend going straight for the component, since you already have the object:

if (Distance < MaxDistance){

GetComponent is somewhat heavy as well, but better than SendMessage.