Serious problem

I working in small game project.And once upon a time my function OnGUI ceased to update anything i wrote .And now in detail.I had single javaScript in my project with OnGUI function. Like this

static var score : int=10;

functoin OnGUI(){
GUI.Label(Rect(10,10,100,30),"game score = " +score);
Today I have wanted to change my GUI.label and i chenge it to GUI.Label(Rect(10,10,100,30),"SCORE = " +score); ,press “Save” compile etc… press “Play” in editor ,and i see in Editor window SCORE = 10 here is everything is O.K.,but when i have build my game in WebPlayer, on screen appeared aging GUI string “game score = 10”,but score value “static var score” still updating when im killing anemies so i saw “game score = 11” , "“game score = 12” …etc.Afterwards I have tried to completely delete line " GUI.Label(Rect(10,10,100,30),"game score = " +score); "-nothing happend :(,then I have tried to create new scene,and new javascript like “test.js” ,and insert there a trivial function :
function OnGUI(){
Attach script to the epmty gameObject ,Save,compile ,press Play…-in Editor averything ok,it is seen “asdasd” in the screen,but after export to WebPlayer or,Windows,Macos-nothing happend again,Empty screen :((
After whole of this I created new project,and do the same steps → function OnGUI(){
attached to the empty gameobject,pressing Play-everything fine in editor,then i export ,and everything fine in WebPlayer !! I see my “asdasdasd” in WEbPlayer now !!!
How can i save my old project where OnGUI doesnt work :((

This is a bit of a jumbled mess and pretty hard to read… try encapsulating your code into tags so that it’s easier to tell what you’re talking about.


You could try exporting the old project as an asset package and then import it into a new project.

Ok thanks all ) i found the problem,I have accidentally exported build into project folder,and everything became bad for me. :lol: :lol: :lol:I think some classes were simply duplicated in the project and this became root of the discord. :twisted: