I’m getting the following error:
“Setting the parent of a transform which resides in a prefab is disabled to prevent data corruption.”
ON the following bit of code:
public void GenerateSectors() {
GameObject locationPrefab = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLocations; i++) {
Vector3 rand = Random.insideUnitSphere * 90f;
rand.y = 0.0f;
GameObject newLocation = (GameObject)Instantiate(locationPrefab, rand, Quaternion.identity);
newLocation.transform.parent = mapParent.transform;
I have searched the internet and the forums for an answer as to why this is happening. AND I have found several people who encountered a similar problem. I believe I Have made the needed changes to my code so it would work (according to information found through searching.) but alas, I have been unsuccessful.
I’m trying to create a bunch of cubes, set their parent to a predefined object, and add them to a list so I can manipulate and destroy them later.