The Application Cannot Be Opened

Hi I build standalone for mac on windows and then copy the app to a mac.
Sometimes on mac the app will not run - saying “The Application cannot be opened”.
Problem found on more than one mac.

Is this a permissions issue?
Is it copying from a windows to mac or one mac to another causing this?

What could be the issue? I see several other people have come across the same problem.

You’ve left off the important part of the error message, which says why the application cannot be opened.

EDIT: If the error dialog that appears in the GUI isn’t detailed enough, try looking in the Console when this occurs for a more detailed error message.

That is all it says in the popup - it’s a mac popup presumably
What console? This is a standalone build and there is not even an error log at this point

I’d like to see a screen shot of that popup. I would expect it to provide more detail.

And the console I’m talking about is Console, a Mac app you will find under Applications/Utilities.

Console says:
spawn_via_launchd() failed, errno=111 label=…

I have the same problem

Then perhaps you can provide better details than the OP.

Mind submitting a bug report?

Same issue again, this is random. Will not appear for ages then again have a big issue on some new Mac. It isn’t security related as allow any app turned on to be sure.
Would you want just a copy of the .app @PixelJ ?

Console error: spawn_via_launchd() failed, errno=111 label=xxx.6336 path=/Users/xxx/Desktop/ flags=1

Fix for this was - copy [windows created] .app to a Mac on which it does run. Then copy from that Mac to the Mac on which it fails to run. Now it works! Seems like an issue related to building a Mac .app on windows. Or that it was provided by zip over internet

This issue is not related to Unity. When an app is created in Windows and then downloaded to macOS, correct file attributes are sometimes (depending on how exactly it was transferred/downloaded) lost, and macOS doesn’t recognize app file as executable. The solution is to never distribute a zip archive with an app created in Windows over Internet. It should be either exported from Unity on macOS, or copied from Windows to macOS and compressed into zip archive on macOS before distribution.


What console?
Run 3