Hey everyone, I wrote this Genetic Algorithm in C# for a college project, and I thought the implementation turned out pretty nice, figured someone might find it useful, so I decided to make a few videos explaining how to implement it from scratch
The code is also available on this repository: Bitbucket
Part 1 - Base Implementation:
Part 2 - Fitness Function and Optimizations:
Part 3 - Adding Individuals on New Generations (and usage in a game)
Part 4 - Serialization and Saving/Loading to files
Feel free to use it however you like!
This is licensed under “The Unlicense”, which basically states you can do whatever you want with it, commercial or not, no attribution required. License file is in the repository
I know im late, but I could not figure out how to use your code for, as an example, input three different booleans and receive one float and other two booleans.