I’ve created a UI using UnityGUI.
When I click on either GUI.Button or GUI.Box the click is processed by objects on the scene.
if (Input.GetKeyDown ("mouse 0")) {
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition);
if (Physics.Raycast (ray, out hit)) {
// ...
I need to determine the fact, that the UI was clicked on.
In case of GUI.Button I can check wether GUIUtility.hotControl != 0.
GUI.Box doesn’t modify GUIUtility.hotControl.
You use the above posted raycast to interact with GameObjects in your scene
You don’t want to interact with objects that are behind the GUI when you click on the GUI.
I think that’s your problem, right? It’s really hard to get that out of your question.
You can simply check if the mouse is inside the Rect of your box/window. If you use GUI.Box just use the Rect you’re using to create the Box. If you use GUILayout you can use GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect to determine the Rect. To check if you are over the GUI use Rect.Contains with the mouse position (inside OnGUI use Event.current.mousePosition).
Turns out the rule about not using GUI stuff except in OnGUI doesn’t apply to getNoFC. It can be examined from Update. You have to be sure to set names – ex: GUI.SetNextControlName("b"); – in front of all your focusable controls (you can be lazy and give them all the same name.)
I tried to use above methods and few other but couldn’t get what I really want.
I ended up making a rect for where I see the scene from and raycast through. Game just checks whether the scene rect contains mouse click as explained in here Unity - Scripting API: Rect.Contains