Webgl On Ios 15.4

We have been working with the WebView option in my Unity app in which my app acts as display device for my Webgl games. Until recently everything was working fine but now recently on updating to ios15 the games started behaving weirdly so i went further ahead and updated to 15.4 . Now the Webgl build are popping up with a a JavaScript error only in safari browser and on macOS safari browser it crashes. Works perfectly on android and also macOS chrome. cant get a grip on what’s wrong

**Runtime Error: Out of bounds memory access(evaluating’dynCall_ii(index,a1)').wasm-function[24968]@@[wasm code]

**Runtime Error: Out of bounds memory access(evaluating’dynCall_ii(index,a1)').wasm-function[24968]@@[wasm code]