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Version 1.2.0b is now available!
XConsole is the command line development tool for Unity that fits to your code, rather than binding you to predefined functions and cumbersome attributes.
The goal of XConsole is to offer a flexible platform on which developers can more acutely tune their experiences. For XConsole, this means providing an easy to use command line interface for executing functions and adjusting variable values.
To meet this goal, XConsole comes with a fully functional editor in addition to the in game component. Everything that can be done through the in game interface can be accomplished in the XConsole editor window under the “Console” tab.
A Console means nothing without strong commands. Unfortunately this strength has usually come in the form of restrictive presets or binding attributes. XConsole breaks this trend by offering a powerful action oriented command structure. You call the shots and XConsole utilizes C# reflection to make it happen.
Need to access prefabs during run time? Maybe you want to try out that new weapon you just added, or maybe swap a mesh’s material on the fly? Not a problem, just assign the prefab a reference ID in the “References” tab and use that ID anytime you need to access it from input. Supports AudioClips, GameObjects, Materials, and Transforms.
Something not quite how you like it? XConsole comes with comprehensive settings to help you find your Goldilocks zone so you can spend less time fighting your tools and more time accomplishing your latest endeavor.
Want to learn more? Watch the video below, or check out my other videos [[/URL] where I explain key features of XConsole.