XConsole - Developer Console for Unity

[Asset Store Page]

Version 1.2.0b is now available!
XConsole is the command line development tool for Unity that fits to your code, rather than binding you to predefined functions and cumbersome attributes.

The goal of XConsole is to offer a flexible platform on which developers can more acutely tune their experiences. For XConsole, this means providing an easy to use command line interface for executing functions and adjusting variable values.


To meet this goal, XConsole comes with a fully functional editor in addition to the in game component. Everything that can be done through the in game interface can be accomplished in the XConsole editor window under the “Console” tab.


A Console means nothing without strong commands. Unfortunately this strength has usually come in the form of restrictive presets or binding attributes. XConsole breaks this trend by offering a powerful action oriented command structure. You call the shots and XConsole utilizes C# reflection to make it happen.


Need to access prefabs during run time? Maybe you want to try out that new weapon you just added, or maybe swap a mesh’s material on the fly? Not a problem, just assign the prefab a reference ID in the “References” tab and use that ID anytime you need to access it from input. Supports AudioClips, GameObjects, Materials, and Transforms.


Something not quite how you like it? XConsole comes with comprehensive settings to help you find your Goldilocks zone so you can spend less time fighting your tools and more time accomplishing your latest endeavor.

Want to learn more? Watch the video below, or check out my other videos [[/URL] where I explain key features of XConsole.


Wow, that’s an amazing tool you’ve got there. Will pick it up :).

Thanks! There will be more in depth tutorials being posted through the weekend, also will be posting about updates as I get them planned out. Hope everything delivers :slight_smile:

XConsole version 1.0.1 has been released!

This update was mainly focused on doing some visual tweaks as well as adding support for “help” commands. There is now a function in the Console class that prints the list of available commands to output.

Release Notes:

  • Function Console.PrintCommandList prints the list of commands to output
  • “help” command to DemoSettings object prints the commands available
  • Warning to Commands Section when no ConsoleSettings are present
  • Support Section to Settings
  • Button to open forum webpage in support settings
  • Button to open contact webpage to support settings
  • Window tab now reads “XConsole” instead of “Console”
  • Window max height reduced from 200 to 100
  • Toolbar redesigned for easier navigation
  • Output text now displayed in bold for increased readability
  • Space between output lines decreased to allow more output text to be visible
  • Command settings are now greyed out, rather than not displaying, if no ConsoleSettings present
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XConsole version 1.1.0 was just released featuring the addition of several new data types, including Object based types such as GameObject and Material.

Alongside these new types is a reference ID system to access these objects from the command line. This allows passing objects as arguments, such as to spawn items via the Object.Instantiate function.

Below is a screenshot of the reference ID section added to the editor.

I am super excited about the new version and can’t wait to hear what y’all think. Anyways, here is the full list of release notes.


Release Notes v1.1.0
-Reference Table section to editor
-ObjectReference class to connect Hex ID’s to Objects
-Objects can now be referenced in the command line through their reference ID
-AudioClip data type
-Color data type
-Euler data type
-GameObject data type
-Material data type
-Object data type
-Rect data type
-Transform data type
-Vector2 data type
-Demo Scene
-Viewing output pages in ConsoleViewer
-Support email in settings
-Several new commands to DemoSettings to exemplify the other additions
-Console.PrintCommandList to Console.CommandHelpList
-Console.CommandHelpList now prints what input the command needs
-Value fields now rearrange according to window width
-Minimum window width from 550 to 440
-Debug message printing when settings variable value

Hello, I would like to give an update on what has been going on with XConsole for the past few months.

First, I would like to apologize for the lack of information. I have been posting very regularly on Twitter, but I have neglected this forum thread.

So what has been going on? Since the release of version 1.1.0, I’ve been working on release 1.2.0, but this release is a little special. After getting through the first update for XConsole, I realized the internal systems were very flawed and posed a lot of bugs and lack of features inherent to the way it was implemented. After much debating, I decided the only thing that could fix it is to redo the underlying systems, so that’s what I’ve been doing since March in my free time (the time I’m not at work or school).

What started off as a month long “oh only this needs to change” endeavor turned into a season long plunge to get everything right (or at least more right than before). I’m happy to say that I’m very close to done with the update, how close? I can’t be sure, it depends how many technical barriers come forth, but I’m working to get it done by the end of the month.

Huge apologies for how long this update has taken, but I can at least tell you that the XConsole package will be much better when 1.2.0 releases :slight_smile:

So what’s new?
-Commands can now be grouped.
-It is now possible to store variable values and function results in a command to use later in the command.
-The reference interface has had some work done.
-Support for displaying results from Debug.Log and its variations has been added.
-Users can now set up custom “streams” to output to.
-Settings menu is much improved, offering much more control and usability.
-Overall UI is improved.
-API documentation was incorporated into the settings menu to help eliminate pesky pdf windows
-Many minor bugs were removed.

What still needs to be done?
-Update the ConsoleViewer object (XConsole in game UI)
-LOTS of documentation to do
-Finish removing the deprecated legacy code.
-Clean up the source code, add some more comments, etc

Once again, huge apologies for the delay, below I’ll post some screenshots of the new UI that will hopefully give an idea of what progress has been made.

The new console view (pretty much the same as before except some changes in the drop downs).

The updated commands view, showing the new action based system and the group system.

References view, overall the same with the addition of selection.

One settings section showing changing the visual style of messages on the console view.

Another settings section showing the various built in output streams as well as a custom stream.

That’s all I have for now, thanks for waiting for the update, it’s going to be a big one!



This is a small post just to let y’all know that version 1.2.0 was just submitted (I know I’m a little late). I’m super excited to see what y’all think of it! I’ll be posting more information this weekend.

Thanks for holding on!


Update on what’s been going on. XConsole version 1.2.0 was accepted to the Unity asset store and I also released a couple quick bug fixes. I’ve plans laid out for the next few updates, but before I do that I am going to finish the tutorial series on YouTube (link at the top). Right now there are two videos and I plan to make three more.

The other thing is I want to clean up this forum post and also get more feedback about what I can do to make XConsole better, to do that I have created a WIP forum which can be found here for talking about new features and development news and this forum will be dedicated to posting release information and answering questions.

Thanks for sticking with me and I hope you enjoy the new version of XConsole! :slight_smile:

Will you be updating this asset for v5.5 or v2017 ?

@Tinjaw I just submitted it to be updated to 5.6.3.

I will add support for v2017 when that submission is complete.

I will also be lowering the price to $5.00 since I haven’t updated XConsole in a while.



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@Tinjaw XConsole is now available for both 5.1 and 5.6.3 and I will work on getting a version available for 2017.

The price has also been lowered to $5

Thanks for your interest,


I already purchased it months ago. It is a good asset. That is why I wanted it updated. :slight_smile:

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Thanks that’s really good to hear :slight_smile:

Don’t forget to post here should you have any issues or requests, I love hearing from users :slight_smile:

