[80% OFF SALE!] Custom Package - A Unity Package Manager

Good news everyone!
Remember when you wanted to manage several unity package, in one or many project? It was and surely it is still a challenge!
Behold! We made a Custom Package editor window that will help you for this common task :

Custom Package
A Unity Package Manager

Buy it! | Website | Docs | Script Reference

Custom Package is an editor extension which allows you to manage easily many custom configuration of different packages for further export, Asset Store submission, capitalization, etc…

You can easily:

  • Add/Remove assets via checkbox in a userfriendly treeview
  • Drag&Drop assets, with or without dependencies in the treeview
  • Load/Save/Delete assets configurations
  • Merge assets configurations (the “Check” functionality)
  • Export your custom package

Hope you will enjoy it!

Now 80% OFF SALE!
For a limited time.

New script documentation !

Hello, I wonder if this could also be used for making custom package to include also the Project settings of the project as they are normally not included by default

I mean to include the Project Settings as told here in the Unity web

See more detailed this part → Unity - Scripting API: ExportPackageOptions.IncludeLibraryAssets

could there be any answer to this question I posted in the one above here?

Or is the author missing and not available anymore?



It’s an interesting demand, I will be working on it and will get back to you ASAP.

Option to include all library assets has been added.
Version is now in pending review (1.02).

The new version is now available.

Is it Unity 5.0 compatible?

Yes it is.

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