Access to collision detection properties for custom response

Hello, I read somewhere that RigidBodies will fall at the rate they fall in the real world - ie if your scene is huge, objects will seem to fall slowly, and if your scene is small, objects will seem to fall quickly.

Is there any way of altering this behaviour on a per-object basis, so I can make objects fall at different speeds?

I could implement a basic physics system for each falling object myself, but I’m not sure how I could integrate that with collision detection.

Is it possible to get the penetration vector from a collision to enable custom collision response in the form of a bounce away from the collision surface?

Any guidance would be much appreciated!



You can alter an individual objects drag to make it fall slower/faster as needed.

Don’t know of anything specifically about getting a penetration vector but between the collision information received by the OnCollsion* handlers, and then using the normals of the collision contact points in ray-cast, you get/can get a poo-load of information about the collision which should allow you to do some type of unique collision response.

thanks David, I’ll give it a shot

I feel a bit stupid now - all I had to do was uncheck ‘useGravity’, and set the initial y velocity for each object… durr