Animated level load screen


i am trying to make a animated load screen that should run on the iphone

sofar i built very simple scene, with only one guitexture in the middle, and a script, that exchanges the texture of guitexture

on Awake() i do a DontDestroyOnLoad(this);

and just for debuging purpose, i do not destroy it at all.

edit: just noticed, that it does not work on the mac either, Application.LoadLevel seems to prevent the calling of the Update functions /edit

i tried to put the animating script in Update, LateUpdate and FixedUpdate, no change

any ideas how to solve this?

LoadLevel is an atomic operation; i.e. it takes place in one frame. Therefore you can’t have animations during LoadLevel. Even if it takes some seconds to load, it’s still 1 frame.


Is there any way around this (even creative methods) or do we just have to live with it and never have animated loaders?

Use Xcode technique!

  1. Create UIView with UIImageView
  2. Load image sequence on the UIImageView
  3. Start animation while going to load the new level.
  4. Stop the animation after loading it.

It’s really worked and we used it :slight_smile:

Can you post a more detailed explanation of your work around?

Yeah, I’d also love to know more about how you make this happen. :slight_smile:

Another vote here for details!

Most of us know Unity, but few of us know Xcode :stuck_out_tongue: