Animation layers for 2D games

I am trying to overlap two animations at the same time.

Sprite character animations + armor animations (Sprites) to play on top

I have the character sprite spliced into individual sprites, and created the animation clips in the Animation tool, and set up the transitions, which are working. I created the same animations with the armor and put them in a new layer. I set the weight to 1, and changed the blend to additive. I sync’d the layer to the base layer, and replaced the ‘Motion’ animation of the same condition (ie. Character_walk_D = Armor_walk_D) When playing, the armor layer is visible, but the character sprite is not.

I tried making an avatar mask and tried linking that to the character sprite, but did not seem to work.

I apologize, I searched for an answer online for a while, and found people with similar issues, but no resolution other than the unity manual docs, which I cant find what im looking for in there. Probably a super easy solution, if anyone can help me out with what I am doing wrong


I don’think the additive blend works like that for sprites. I’m pretty sure it is a vertex operation for meshes only. You’ll likely have to use two sprites with identical animator controllers.

Thanks, I think you are right, I have not found another solution :frowning:

child sprite gameObjects in same animation?