I am new to Unity and I was following a tutorial online: Getting Started with ARFoundation in Unity on Youtube. I am using Unity 2019.3.9.f1 and have downloaded the following packages:
AR Foundation
ARCore XR Plugin
ARKit XR Plugin
I tried building and testing to an Android phone (Samsung Galaxy S4) but the screen just turned up black (this changed as I altered the color of the background on the AR camera). The unity logo popped up before it but there was no prompt to ask for camera permission. To test if this was just a phone problem, I downloaded an AR app from Playstore and that seemed to work. Multi-threaded Rendering is off, ARCore is switched to optional. I’m not sure what’s wrong.
Could you guys help me out? Thanks! Let me know if more info is needed.
Even I’m facing the same problem. Yes I have enabled and tried the XRCore option. And now the option to grant the permission to enable the camera in android also doesn’t pop up.
I have tried with 2 different phones but nothing seems to work.
It’s hard to estimate the issue without seeing the project, probably there is something wrong in the build settings. For starting it might be the best to study the provided samples by unity:
I was having the same issue with Android; it was working on iOS. This article helped me resolve it.
I needed to install the XR-subsystem package and then set the Android settings. Display the project settings window go “XR Plug-in Management” and switch on ARCore supported.
Thanks to [ManjitSBedi]( Black Screen-Unity AR Camera not Working members/manjitsbedi.574086/)'s help. I had the same issue but for iOS. I just needed to tick the checkbox for ARKit for Initialize XR on Startup and that fixed it.
I’m still having the issue even after going through everything. I’m on a MacBook Air and I’m trying to test launch to an iPhone 12 X. any info to help would be great!! (This is what my camera looks like btw)
ARCore… and arfounation seems frustrating to me. I just bought a phone, so I could learn this stuff, found a reasonable affordable phone on the list… it turns up, and using the git-hub demo scene Check_Support turns out the phone on the ArCore list is not actually of any use.
Am I missing something? Does the demo scene check is AR-Core is actually on the phone?
I apparently, have a device which is Supported. It is listed on Google’s list for ARCore… and I have ticked the ARCore XR box … but apprently using 2020.3 and ARfoundation 4.0, but still using the demo scenes from the github repo it still says not compatible.
Am I missing something? Hard to believe, ArCore phone, with Google Play services for AR is installed ( so I can assume the phone and android version is supported).
My phone is : Xiaomi Redmi Note 9S … and is on the list.
Hey cheers. I did start here with the Simple AR and the Support Checker Scenes… Its a brand new phone, with the sole purpose of using for Learning/Development of AR, I felt I did my homework on what models support ARCore.
The AR Foundation is stable and it’s 100% safe to make production quality apps with it. But it requires some experience to set up.
Each Unity version has its own ‘verified’ AR Foundation version. For example, for Unity 2019.4.24 the verified AR Foundation version is 2.1.18.
Thank you. I thought that might be the case. Is it documented anywhere? or is it a case of trial and error?
Edit : I Looked through the docs and matched my Unity Version to the AR-Foundation, AR-Core verions. Still no luck. 150quid on a new phone, ouch…thinking although my phone is on the google list… its not quite 100% true.
I feel like Im ok with setting this stuff up, I have been working on a coupe of XR (VR Oculus) projects from scratch, there seems to be some overlap in the packages used.
I was trying to use 2020.3 LTS. With Foundation 4.2.0