Box Collider 2D "Is Trigger" Help!

Hello everyone, I’m pretty new to Unity and I ran into a problem while trying to make my first game.

Basically I have an AI sight detection field that when it collides with the player model then the enemy will start to follow the player.

When the enemy hits the jump trigger he jumps and when the enemy hits the land trigger he stops jumping.

The problem is that the AI sight detection field will set off the jump trigger and cause the AI to jump instead of the enemy box collider 2d setting it off. Every collider is set to Is Trigger except the enemy box collider 2d, because if that is set to trigger then he falls through the map.

When I disable the AI Sight Detection Field it works as intended. How can I get them both to coexist?

@Geads Hello there, probably you did not know, but you can use tags and layer to manage how collision are made, let see, if a collider must interact with two different objects and do some kind of action accordingly to the object it collides (in this case your two different actions), you can set on each object a tag or layer to make the difference more notorious.

Something like this:

private void OnTriggerEnter (Collider other) {
    // Using the tag method.
    if (other.tag == "Jump") {
        //Here the object do the jump.

    if (other.tag == "Ground") {
        //Here the object do the other stuff.

    // Using the layer method, you need to make a reference to the index not the name.
    if (other.layer == 10) {
        //Here the object do the jump.

    if (other.layer == 11) {
        //Here the object do the other stuff.

Hopes this helps, cheers.