bug: endless recursion leads to unity crash

Hello devs,
just found a nice reproducible bug:

static function Destroy (obj: Object)
	if (Network.isServer || Network.isClient)
		Debug.Log("Killing Object - Network");				
		Debug.Log("Killing Object - locally");

This leads to unity not responding anymore when played in the editor … perhaps you should enable unity to recognize endless recursions like this one.

(Other languages don’t, but i absolutely like unities feature to give exact advice about errors)

please tell me if bug reports of that kind are appreciated.
I would have used the crash submit form of unity,
but it didn’t appeared.

It is known bug. In 3.0 it will be fixed (i hope). You better use bug reporter, sure, but if it doesn’t work, I personally don’t care how the bug is coming in :wink:

sorry, but where is the bug?

unity is exactly doing what you told it to do :wink:
(as every other language also would)

Ok, as someone who programs exclusively in c, i tend to agree. But, for scripting languages having exception for StackOverlow is nice :wink: