Building WebGL from OS X?

Is it possible to build a WebGL project from OS X? I ask mostly because, if it’s supposed to be, this is a rather silly error to get…

It is possible, but during beta we’re still finding enough bugs :wink:

I’m assuming this is not an empty project you are trying to build, in which case, I’d ask you to file a bug with the project, so we can see why the stripper is failing.

It’s possible; works here (10.9.5).


Seems weird that it would build for some and not for others. What would possibly make it call this “UnusedBytecodeStripper2.exe” sometimes but not all the time?

One possibility that occurred to me was different languages being used. The project I tested was testing some image effects, which are of course written in javascript. (while my own controller scripts were in C#) But, I tried building it again after deleting those scripts, and got the same error. So no help there.

Here’s my bug report.

We call UnusedBytecodeStripper2.exe all the time, but it may fail on your particular project :slight_smile:

Thanks for the bug report, we will look into it.

I mean why would it be called on Mac only this one time…