Can someone tell what is wrong with this code?

When I start the game I can’t figure out why the car and its wheels are blowing up.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class maviLamboController : MonoBehaviour
    public void GetInput() 
        m_horizontalInput = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        m_verticalInput = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

    private void steer() 
        m_steeringAngle = maxSteerAngle * m_horizontalInput;
        frontDriverW.steerAngle = m_steeringAngle;
        frontPassangerW.steerAngle = m_steeringAngle;

    private void Accelerate() 

        frontDriverW.motorTorque = m_verticalInput * motorForce;
        frontPassangerW.motorTorque = m_verticalInput*motorForce;

    private void UpdateWheelPoses() 
        UpdateWheelPose(rearDriverW, rearDriverT);
        UpdateWheelPose(rearPassangerW, rearPassangerT);


    private void UpdateWheelPose(WheelCollider _collider, Transform _transform)

        Vector3 _pos = _transform.position;

        Quaternion _quat = _transform.rotation;

        _collider.GetWorldPose(out _pos,out _quat);

        _transform.position = _pos;
        _transform.rotation = _quat;


    private void FixedUpdate()

    private float m_horizontalInput;
    private float m_verticalInput;
    private float m_steeringAngle;

    public WheelCollider frontDriverW, frontPassangerW;
    public WheelCollider rearDriverW, rearPassangerW;
    public Transform frontDriverT, frontPassangerT;
    public Transform rearDriverT, rearPassangerT;

    public float maxSteerAngle = 30;
    public float motorForce = 50;


its looking like this WHY!

Fill The Code With “Debug.Log” and mostly you’ll figure out what is wrong