Cannot call methods of Instantiated clone: "object reference not set to an instance"

TL;DR Trying to call a method on a clone returns an error.

I have a prefab called NPC, which has a script attached called pathfinder. In said script, there is a method called editTag(), which edits the tag and some private data members.

When the game starts, clones of NPC are created, and I want to called the editTag() method of each clone as soon as they are instantiated. To do this, I get the script of the clone and attempt to run the method, but hit an error: “object reference not set to an instance”.

I think when I get the script of the clone, the script does not recognise that it belongs to the clone, and does not know which data members to edit. How can I fix this issue?

Below is my relevant code:
In the spawner script:

void spawnNPCs()
    string[] tags = new string[] { "Rock", "Scissors", "Paper" };
    foreach (string tag in tags)
        for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
            GameObject clone = Instantiate(NPC, GetRandomPosition(), NPC.transform.rotation);
            pathfinder pathfinderScript = clone.GetComponent<pathfinder>();

In pathfinder script:

public void editTag(string tag)
    Debug.Log("Edit Tag called.");
    this.tag = tag;
    sr.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("Sprites/" + tag);
    if (tag == "Rock") { this.preyTag = "Scissors"; this.predTag = "Paper"; }
    else if (tag == "Paper") { this.preyTag = "Rock"; this.predTag = "Scissors"; }
    else if (tag == "Scissors") { this.preyTag = "Paper"; this.predTag = "Rock"; }

The editTag method does get called, and nothing seems to be null, including the returned reference to the clone, the random position, the script nor the tags.

It’s probably sr that’s null. Make sure that it is assigned in the Inspector and the prefab.
Debug.Assert(sr != null);

try this

maybe you have not created those tags in unity in the tag list before you are attempting to add them by code.

I never tried this but it appears and somehow is logical, that unity needs to know about a tag before you are trying to add it to a gameobject.

so you are not creating NEW tags at runtime you just change the gameobject tags between a list of existing tags