Im using Unity 2020.1 and TextMeshPro 1.2.2 (the latest version in the package manager) cant compile as usual, i dont know when this package will be improved, its really sad, now my project is stalled because of this as usual. Im trying not to say anything bad right now, but im really pissed off.
everytime i upgrade I can always count on textMesh pro to stretch it out for weeks.
I have a million errors like shown below, i cant compile for several days!! I imported it over and over and run all kinds of patches and still nothing works!! WTF!!
Library\PackageCache\com.unity.textmeshpro@3.0.0-preview.1\Scripts\Runtime\TMP_FontFeaturesCommon.cs(143,59): error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from ‘UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphValueRecord’ to ‘TMPro.GlyphValueRecord_Legacy’\
Library\PackageCache\com.unity.textmeshpro@3.0.0-preview.1\Scripts\Runtime\TMP_CharacterInfo.cs(134,30): error CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: ‘TMPro.TMPro_ExtensionMethods.Compare(UnityEngine.Color32, UnityEngine.Color32)’ and ‘TMPro.TMPro_ExtensionMethods.Compare(UnityEngine.Color32, UnityEngine.Color32)’
Library\PackageCache\com.unity.textmeshpro@3.0.0-preview.1\Scripts\Runtime\TMP_FontAssetUtilities.cs(289,82): error CS1061: ‘FaceInfo’ does not contain a definition for ‘pointSize’ and no accessible extension method ‘pointSize’ accepting a first argument of type ‘FaceInfo’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Library\PackageCache\com.unity.textmeshpro@3.0.0-preview.1\Scripts\Runtime\TMP_FontAsset.cs(436,34): error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type ‘UnityEngine.TextCore.FaceInfo’ to ‘TMPro.FaceInfo’
I am sorry that you are having issues and will do my best to get you back up and running.
Did you just recently upgrade to 2020.x? What version of Unity were you using before that?
The latest version of the TextMesh Pro package is version 3.0.1 for Unity 2020.x. You appear to potentially have two different versions of TextMesh Pro in your project.
Can you post an image of the content of your TextMesh Pro folder?
Here is image of folder attached. I been trying to upgrade to 2020.1 past several weeks now, my package manager says the latest version of text mesh pro is 1.2.2 which is what i imported. Im building for Android and IOS.
The image for Text mesh Pro folder is at this link
Reviewing the screenshot you provided, you still have the old AssetStore version of the TextMesh Pro package in your project.
Since the TMP package is included in Unity by default since 2018.x, you get those errors because you have two distinct versions of TMP in your project.
A few additional questions before providing a solution.
Since the legacy AssetStore versions of the TMP package use a different set of GUID and FileID, you have to migrate from the legacy versions to the Package Manager versions.
Do you recall doing this migration? The process is outlined in the following sticky thread . Most users did this migration when moving from Unity 2017 to 2018.x.
I believe i did the migration, but i cant remember for sure. Im upgrading from 2018.3 where everything was working.
However i remember my past upgrade i had to go over all my prefabs and scenes and everywhere there was a TextMeshPro (text, input etc) i had to re-wire it becuase they all became disconnected. Took about a week to do that becuase i have lots of prefabs and scenes using it.
Thanks for your help I hope you can help because im really stuck.
Since (for whatever reason) you still have to legacy AssetStore version of TMP in your project, you will need to remove that version by deleting the entire “TextMesh Pro” folder. Be sure to backup your project first and to also backup any font asset or resources you may have saved inside this “TextMesh Pro” folder.
Most likely, you will need to migrate the project (again) following the instructions outlined in the sticky post I linked before.
To avoid having to do this ever again, please only upgrade TMP via the Package Manager as the AssetStore versions are the Legacy versions for Unity 2017 or older.
The latest release of the TMP package for Unity 2020.x is version 3.0.1 which is available via the package manager.
Thanks for the help, I deleted the Text Mesh Pro folder, then followed the steps from that link, it created a new folder for Text mesh Pro, only i still have 850 errors. The package manager still has Text Mesh Pro at version 1.2.2, how do i get version 3.x.x.x.x?
Then select TextMeshPro 3.0.1 as shown in the image below and Update in the bottom right to update to version 3.0.1 if that is not the version already installed.
Once this is done, you will likely need to use the Project Files GUID Remapping Tool also found in the same menu.
NOTE: Going forward only update TMP via the Package Manager - In Project / Unity Registry and not the AssetStore / MyAssets tab as those versions of TMP are deprecated.
I believe the source of this confusion is the deprecated version of TMP showing up in MyAssets which is sort of a new thing in Package Manager in Unity 2020.1. Although it shows the asset as Deprecated, I will see if I can have it unlisted in Unity 2018.x or newer versions of Unity.