Cant find Learning Template / Unity Hub doesn't show them

Good afternoon,

Im attempting to learn mobile game development with Unity and on this tutorial Publish your first mobile runner game - Unity Learn
it gives step by step instructions on how to get this beginners course done.

I installed the latest version of unity LTS and its dependencies

and on Unity Hub, it shows us how to access all templates, I have to choose 2020 LTS or later, so I chose the newest one.

However I still get an error saying that I have to choose 2020 or later LTS. Not sure what I did wrong, I am providing a SS to show that I do in fact have this installed correctly and im getting this error.

This could be because of my antivirus settings so I temporarily disabled it while I ran unity as Admin and its still glitching out.

Not sure what else to do but reinstall

Thank you for any help.

Also, if theres a better mobile dev tutorial thats more straight forward, id appreciate this too.

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Install an earlier editor if you want them because:

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I just ran into the same problem… thanks for the response! It looks like Editor 2021.3.30f1 (LTS) has microgames.

Thank you for pointing this out to us regarding the Microgames not showing up in the learn templates for the latest LTS. The good news, is that the Microgames should work just fine in that version, and you can get them for free on the Asset Store. You may just need to upgrade some materials or packages, depending on the one you are using.

The reason why these are not showing up for the latest LTS, is that they have become a bit outdated and do not hit our current standards for templates these days. The learn team is aware and is applying resources to not only attempt to correct this issue, but to explore what other aspects may be needed to make the Microgames better than before. Lot’s of questions up in the air and decisions to make. I know the answer seems clear from the outside in the sense of just needing someone to update them to 2022.3 LTS, however we need to take a better look at the situation so that we can apply our resources on long term solutions and plans for our users best interests.

We appreciate the patience you have shown and your continued excitement while we work on our side to make things right for you.

Kind Regards,
Unity Chan